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How to Protect Your Business Ahead of Time with Planned Communications

Saying something the wrong way in the middle of a stressful moment happens. People do it all the time. But when companies do it, it can have severe ramifications on their reputation, their current customers relations, and even their long-term profitability. The best way to plan for it is to get your responses to probable emergencies or situations planned ahead of time.

Have a template for delays and problems. 

Construction and repair businesses aren't as routine as other professional businesses. Change orders, bad weather, and uncovering new problems can make for stressful delays. Build out email templates for when you have to communicate with customers about negative news. Not only does a script ensure fast communication, it means you don't have to worry about your employees communicating the news in the wrong way. Even an apology can be taken out of context and seen as an admission of guilt. So make a list of the most common situations in which you have to send emails to customers, and have your marketing team and go-to legal professional find the best way to state the problem.

Plan your communication for disaster recovery.

Even business that stores data needs to have a business continuity plan and a disaster recovery plan. Both of these plans involve communicating with the customer to preempt complaints about slower or incomplete service. Even if your primary business function isn't digital, your company will still be massively impacted by an outage or data leak. Depending on the nature of the disaster, you may have to communicate data loss to your customers within a short window of time. Have the procedure completely written out so every step can be handled quickly and efficiently.

Planning out dicey or unpopular communications ahead of time removes a great deal of uncertainty for the employee handling customer relations. It also protects your business from delayed communications, mistaken phrasing, and a number of claims that can result from poor wording. Go to to continue protecting your business from future legal action.

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