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West Virginia General Engineering Contractor (2023-10-05)
"General Engineering Contractor" means a person whose principal business is in connection with public or private works projects, including, but not limited to, one or more of the following: irrigation, drainage and water supply projects; electrical generation projects; swimming pools; flood control; harbors; railroads; highways; tunnels; airports and airways; sewers and sewage disposal systems; bridges; inland waterways; pipelines for transmission of petroleum and other liquid or gaseous substances; refineries; chemical plants and other industrial plants requiring a specialized engineering knowledge and skill; piers and foundations; and structures or work incidental thereto. "Swimming pool" means a public swimming pool as defined by the Building Officials and Code Administrators B.O.C.A. National Building Code 1990, article 6, section 623.2.A.
The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination. The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available. For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.
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Modern Welding 2024
Publication Year: 2024
13th Edition
Modern Welding is a comprehensive text that has long been the standard for teaching theory, fundamentals, equipment, and techniques of welding technology, with enough information to span a two-year curriculum. Covering all of the information required for complete AWS SENSE Level 1 and Level 2 certification, this text includes shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, flux cored arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, oxyfuel gas welding and cutting, various thermal cutting processes, testing and inspection, welding symbol interpretation, and print reading. The text also includes Nonstandard Terminology features, introducing students to the jargon commonly used in the welding industry to help them communicate effectively on the job.
- Includes 30 step-by-step procedures that guide students through challenging welding-related operations
- Features a time-saving Quick Reference Table of Contents that directs students to the specific reference tables in the book
- Presents safety information in bold red type throughout the text to reinforce and highlight this critical information
Open Book In Stock
International Building Code Turbo Tabs 2018
Publication Year: 2018
2018 IBC Turbo Tabs consist of clear plastic self-adhesive tabs that have key sections of the 2018 International Building Code printed on them in an easy-to-read format. Can be used with either the 2018 International Building Code or the 2018 IBC Code and Commentary.
Open Book In Stock
International Building Code 2018
Publication Year: 2018
The scope of the International Building Code® (IBC®) includes all buildings except detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories. For the most current adoptions details go to International Code Adoptions The 2018 IBC contains many important changes such as:Accessory storage spaces of any size are now permitted to be classified as part of the occupancy to which they are accessory. New code sections have been introduced addressing medical gas systems and higher education laboratories. Use of fire walls to create separate buildings is now limited to only the determination of permissible types of construction based on allowable building area and height. Where an elevator hoistway door opens into a fire-resistance-rated corridor, the opening must be protected in a manner to address smoke intrusion into the hoistway. The occupant load factor for business uses has been revised to one occupant per 150 square feet. Live loads on decks and balconies increase the deck live load to one and one-half times the live load of the area served. The minimum lateral load that fire walls are required to resist is five pounds per square foot. Wind speed maps updated, including maps for the state of Hawaii. Terminology describing wind speeds has changed again with ultimate design wind speeds now called basic design wind speeds. Site soil coefficients now correspond to the newest generation of ground motion attenuation equations (seismic values). Five-foot tall wood trusses requiring permanent bracing must have a periodic special inspection to verify that the required bracing has been installed. New alternative fastener schedule for construction of mechanically laminated decking is added giving equivalent power-driven fasteners for the 20-penny nail. Solid sawn lumber header and girder spans for the exterior bearing walls reduce span lengths to allow #2 Southern Pine design values.
Open Book In Stock
Pipe and Excavation Contracting 2011
Publication Year: 2011
This popular manual has been updated and improved to bring it more current with modern earth moving and trenching equipment, refined excavation techniques, stricter safety rules, and improved materials. Here you’ll find how to enter and succeed in the underground utility business. Includes hands-on instructions for operating the equipment and doing the trenching, pipe laying and connecting work and answers to what causes so many skilled equipment operators and pipe layers to fail when they try to start their own business.
Open Book In Stock
Technical Digest No. 9 - Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders - 3rd Edition
Publication Year: 2008
3rd Edition
This updated Technical Digest provides clear guidance on the proper handling and installation of SJI joist products to prevent damage, ensure performance, and prioritize worker safety. It covers standard products such as K-Series joists, LH/DLH-Series joists, Joist Girders, and the newer CJ-Series joists introduced in 2007. Topics include product preparation, tagging, loading, shipping, unloading, storage, erection (including bridging), and field inspections. The digest also addresses penalized erection, common field issues, and updated information on bridging (Chapter 8) and miscellaneous field topics (Chapter 9). This resource is ideal for general contractors, steel erectors, inspectors, building officials, engineers, and architects involved in overseeing joist and Joist Girder projects.
Open Book Out of Stock
NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, West Virginia, 1st Edition
"The NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management" is divided into three primary segments:
The first segment delves into the initiation and planning phases of your enterprise. It offers guidance on crafting a business strategy, selecting an appropriate business framework, navigating the complexities of licensing and insurance, and acquiring fundamental skills in management and marketing.
The second segment explores essential knowledge required for managing a thriving construction enterprise. It encompasses topics such as cost estimation, handling contracts, scheduling, overseeing projects, adhering to safety and environmental regulations, and fostering positive relationships with workers, subcontractors, and clients.
The third segment furnishes crucial insights for managing your business's administrative tasks. It addresses financial oversight, fundamentals of taxation, and the intricacies of lien laws. Proper management of these business aspects is critical to avoid significant issues.